Saturday, November 14, 2009

I've received a lot of inquiries pertaining to my most recent post about the incident in New Mexico. Thank you all for your feedback, questions, and pointed criticisms. The predominant theme from all the input concerned the issue of religion and how it plays into the TAFTian struggle.

TAFT is not a religious organization. Period. We have no religious agenda, no religious slant.

That said, I should explain why this is a common misconception.

The movement against FTFS has roots that go way back. Most people trace the modern movement back to the Reverend Wally Haldermann who, in 1934, was cast out of his own church in Pine City, Nebraska due to the slant of his beliefs. Shunned by his community, and hospitalized shortly thereafter, he started his own church in the basement of the Nemaha Correctional Institution For The Disturbed. From that dank basement, he formed his own church based on the belief that true piety could only come from a lifelong commitment to the abolishment of Foot-Thinkers, as he called them. A life filled with purity had no place for even the slightest hint of thought or discussion of the human foot (God's Mistake).

He based his views primarily on this one single belief: God made a mistake when he made feet and HE WAS AWARE OF IT. It was believed that when He created man, He started from the top down. When He got to the feet, it is believed that God was tired and not thinking straight. After all the unbelievable complexity and beauty He had created, when He got to the bottom of man's legs, He just threw together something that was functional, however atrocious to the eye or repugnant. He was, understandably, anxious to get on with things, so He cut a corner, perhaps intending to go back and fix it after He got some shut-eye.

Obviously, He never did correct His mistake. After some well-deserved rest, He woke up still a little over-anxious about all the other things He had to do and so He just plowed forward. But the guilt and displeasure over what He had allowed to be, proved to be a scar whose mark would be felt by Mankind til the end of days.

Proof of this one single theory can be found all throughout the Good Book (washing of the Disciples' feet, crucifiction, etc...) I will consider expounding upon these evidences in later blogs, as it is all very interesting. But this essentially the cornerstone belief that propelled the movement towards what would eventually become TAFT.

Undenaibly, we are rooted in religion. But TAFT, despite it's religiously-based beginnings in that looney-bin basement in Nebraska so long ago, is not a religious organization. We welcome all comers. Why or how you came to loathe the human foot is of no matter to us. The fact that you do wholly and completely loathe the human foot is all we need to hear to consider you to be a Brother.

Friday, November 6, 2009


We've received word out of New Mexico that there has been another incident. TAFTian splinter groups are becoming more and more brazen. The following report was submitted to me this morning:

SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO -- A doctor was shot to death outside his podiatry clinic here today when a man who prayed for the physician's soul stepped forward from a group of TAFTist (Those Against Foot Thought) protesters and opened fire, according to police and witnesses.

David Gunn, 47, was shot three times in the back after he got out of his car at the Santa Fe Medical Services clinic, according to Santa Fe police. He died during surgery at a local hospital.

While podiatrists are routinely threatened with death, and their clinics have been bombed and vandalized, the killing here is believed to be the first in the nation's ever-increasing struggle with FTFS (Foot Thought Foot Speech)

This morning, police initially were called to simply squelch a TAFTian protest at the clinic. When they arrived, police said, Michael Frederick Griffin, 31, of Santa Fe told them he had just shot Gunn.

Griffin, dressed in a gray suit, quietly surrendered to police, who said they took his .38-caliber snub-nosed revolver. Griffin was arrested and charged with murder and is being held in Escambia County jail.

Steve Powell, an employee at an office park where the clinic is located, told reporters that Griffin singled out the physician as his target, chased him and shot him at point-blank range.

Powell said the protesters acted strangely after the shooting. "It looked like they were just happy," he said.

On Sunday, at a service attended by protest organizers and participants, Griffin reportedly asked the congregation to pray for Gunn's soul.

"He asked that the congregation pray, and asked that we would agree with him that Dr. Gunn would give his life to Jesus Christ," said John Burt, an organizer of today's protest and a lay preacher at Whitfield Assembly of God Church.

"He wanted him to stop doing things the Bible says is wrong and start doing what the Bible says was right," Burt told reporters. When pressed to explain where exactly in the Bible he draws his views from, Burt lashed out at reporters. The ensuing scrum resulted in the arrest of Burt.

"There's talk of making protesting podiatry clinics a felony. If you start talking about that, people are just going to find other ways of dealing with it," Burt said as he was taken away by Santa Fe police.

Gunn opened his clinic here about a month ago. His new clinic, nestled among offices for lawyers, doctors and accountants, bore no signs and simply advised patients at Suite 46 to come upstairs and sign in.

It is common for TAFT activists to pray, chant, whistle and scream at podiatrists and people as they enter podiatry clinics. The protesters may ask the those entering to consider alternatives to formal, organized podiatry, such as holistic, at-home treatment, and often accompany their appeals with photos of foul, unseemly feet. At the Santa Fe clinic today, protesters held up signs that said, "David Gunn Loves Feet."

The Supreme Court ruled in January that federal judges cannot stop protesters from trying to block access to clinics, although TAFTians routinely are arrested for trespassing on private property. Congress is considering legislation that would outlaw such protests.

Gunn had been receiving death threats for several years but they had recently become more blatant and vicious, Susan Hill, who employed the doctor at some of the clinics she runs in the Southeast, told AP. The Santa Fe facility was not one of hers.

The Rev. Joseph Foreman, official spokesman of the Santa Fe TAFT group, said the shooting could be the tip of the iceberg if the government silences podiatry protesters.

"I've been saying for years that if the government insists on suppressing normal and time-honored dissent through injunctions, it turns the field over to the rock-throwers, the bombers and the assassins," AP quoted Foreman as saying.

Obviously, true TAFTians do not support these kinds of actions. We all remember the casting-out of John Burt last year after his repeated violations of TAFTian by-laws and his increasingly erratic decisions, which had long been eroding the Cause.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

SOMETHING FOUL IS A FOOT (introduction: vol 1)

Friends, readers, followers, clientele, and believers:

The wait is over. Welcome to the very first edition of my internationally-renowned bi-monthly newsletter, Something Foul Is A Foot. Some of you are already familiar my work and the organization I founded. But for those of you who are not, I will briefly fill you in.

In late 2005, I founded an organization called, TAFT (Those Against Foot-Thought). I was not crazy about the title, but the committee really like how the acronym rolled off the tongue and felt it would play well in the media. I and the founding committee members were a group of passionate, like-minded individuals from all corners of the globe (US, Canada, Germany) who were drawn together by one common goal: to rise against and stamp out the increasingly pervasive tide of foot-thought and foot-speech in this Great Nation.

To put it simply, We Believe that the human foot, while functional and necessary, is a loathsome appendage. Since We cannot reasonably expect to eliminate the human foot, We CAN work to eliminate all thought and speech involving the foot. If We are diligent in our efforts, We feel that We can make this Great Nation an even better place: a place indivisible, under God, and free from the tyranny of foot thought, speech, and fetishism.

We are a grass-roots organization. We are small in numbers and not well-financed. We rely on unity of thought, tenacity of action, and dogged persistence. We count on the fact that a vast majority of Americans are already TAFTian at heart without even knowing it. We are focused and dedicated to the task of raising awareness and gaining allegiance. We will not stop until foot-thought and foot-speech are relegated to the small, dark rooms of podiatrist's offices.

Over the years, we have amassed literature, research, case-studies, testimonials, and all manner of proof of the damage being done to our Society by the pervasiveness of foot-thought and foot-speech (FTFS). But we have been slow to embrace the full power of the Internet. We have traditionally viewed the Internet as an all-too-convenient portal into the realm of unholiness, much like the zipper. While there is great truth to this, we have come to realize that the Internet can also be a tool of righteousness and a vessel of Good. We have come to realize that the Internet is really no different than a gun. A gun can intimidate, coerce, and kill. But a gun can also deter, defend, and kill those who need to be killed.

This Internet, this grand platform of perversion and misinformation, will now serve us in our fight for Good.

We have begun a clandestine campaign of viral marketing in the form of seemingly benign blogs. There are blogs being posted all across this Great Nation that will appear to have no affiliation with us, no particular agenda that would indicate a dis-inclination towards FTFS. But through this persistent cyber-subtelty, we will make our mark and progress will be made.

Since I am a higher-profile member, I will not endeavor to sustain any measure of subtlety or deception in my blog postings. I will, however, not restrict my writings wholly to the issue of FTFS. I think it is vital to portray myself as a real person, not just a Righteous figurehead of an important movement. My hope is that my openess will act as an agent of persuasion and alliance towards Our ultimate goal: the eradication of FTFS in societal discourse.

For access to the literature and research I referenced earlier, simply reach out to me. We do not have this information posted because, as you can imagine, there are those out there who would like nothing more than to get their hands on this information and use it against us (Foot Enthusiasts, or FEs).

I am now going to to fold laundry (just like a real person). Of course, my wife will fold the socks.


Blah, blah, smart comment, blah, pretentious comment, fluff, blah, blah, filler, filler, filler, random use of parentheses, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, hyphenated word, blah, blah, smart comment, fluff, fluff, blahh, fluff, blah, blah, funny made-up word, funny blah blah, filler, filler, hint at something serious, blah, back away, filler, filler, more parentheses, obligatory comment about feet, filler, filler, filler, filler, great ending line.

Friday, October 9, 2009


To make up for the six-week delay in blog posting, I decided to post my next blog, this one, quickly. If you add up the one hour between this post and the previous one and the 1,008 hours between the first and second one and then divide all those hours by two, you will come up with a number that will require further mathmatizing which, if done accurately, will leave you with another number which is much less than any of the amounts of hours I've previously mentioned (except for the one hour). This small(er) number should be pleasing to you and should quell the the desperate hissing from the balcony.

I've decided that I will not get to the point at this juncture. I can practically hear you shouting, but I will not get to the point. This post was spontaneous and, perhaps, showed a bit of weakness...a faint glimmer of mercy. I almost regret this post....I'm not completely sure yet. But I can guarantee you that if I do, in fact, come to regret this post, I will not deny regretting it. I am a loud and proud regretter. I despise all fuckers who proclaim to have no regrets. These are people in need of a good, thorough flogging. If you say you have no regrets, either you're lying or you just didn't do it right.

As I hinted, I am posting this really just for the sake of getting something posted on this new platform. I like my kinks worked out before I dive into something full-on. Plus I just like kinks.